However, despite the continuing series of nastiness, it must be said everyone is still alive and, for the most part, healthy and uninjured. Our baby boy continues to grow and thrive in his ever decreasing space, Wednesday sees the next midwife appointment where again we hope for positive news. Our house is becoming ever more organised and tidy, just a few things left to do and none of them are urgent. I am looking forward to the arrival of Bean's wardrobe which will allow me to finally finish work on his nursery, in plenty of time for his arrival.
Little left to share so I will leave with one of the photos from our little guy's 4d scan a few weeks ago (the other pic is over on the right hand side of this blog.) It was wonderful to see him again and watch him wriggling around on screen for twenty minutes, although I'm not sure about the constant trying to kick himself in the head - need to put a stop to that young man!

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