Monday 26 October 2009

Galling Gallstones!


Judging by some of the phone calls, text messages and other communications I've been receiving, a lot of people are a bit confused about what's going on here in regards to me and these blimmin' gallstones. That's ok, to be honest I'm a bit confused myself! However I'll try my best to explain below.

99% of the time, I'm perfectly fine and going about my daily business with no pain, discomfort or anything of that sort. However at any time I can get hit by a gallstone attack, and that's what happened on Friday night and Sunday afternoon. These attacks come on within a very short space of time. Friday night I felt the first twinges about 6.30pm and had to go to A&E by 8pm, Sunday was much faster, I needed to get to A&E within 15 mins of the first hint of pain. I cannot begin to describe what this pain is like, suffice to say I would rather go through my full labour experience twice than have one 20 minute gallstone attack!

Now we know what's happening, and it's on my A&E file that I have gallstones, the proceedure on arriving at A&E seems to be the same. I generally get through triage very fast, nurse comes and sticks a cannula in my arm and gives me an anti-sickness drug and 10ml of morphine then tha pain vanishes. On Sunday I also got a shot of Buscopan and on Friday it was something else along with the morphine. Now on Friday they kept me in the EAU overnight which was a good thing as I had recurrances of the pain at 3am and again at 5am. By the next morning I was fine and discharged in the afternoon. Last night they decided not to keep me in and simply discharged me from A&E with a large amount of very strong painkillers which I ended up taking at about 11pm as I could feel discomfort as the morphine wore off. Neither of us were very happy about them discharging me so fast last night as the morphine was still at full strength and could easily have been masking the pain, plus I couldn't walk by myself as my legs felt like I'd had an epidural again!

Today I feel pretty much fine, hence me being online. The only issue I have right now is not being able to take any weight on my right arm, that's due to a failed cannula insertion last night which seems to have caused a lot of pain and means it's a bit difficult for me to pick Fin up - but I'm coping fine. I am still groggy becuase I find morphine makes me feel very drunk at first then give me what feels like a hangover for about 24 hours or so. Scott has stayed off work today as I was still very groggy this morning and also becuase he is concerned that I may have another fast relapse and doesn't want me home alone with Fin. That's also why it's been arranged that I'm with people for the next few days, so if anything happens they can get me to hospital/call an ambulance and immediately take over caring for Fin. Hopefully I will be totally fine and will just get on like normal.

Of course the question everyone is asking me is "well why aren't they doing something about this?" Well, they are doing the best they can. Annoyingly it appears that whoever was meant to refer me a month ago never did which is why I'm still waiting on the outpatient consultation. Due to these attacks this weekend I've now been told I am prioritised and will be receiving my outpatient appointment very soon. That will be to go over what options I have and, most likely, arrnage for me to have keyhole surgery to remove the gallbladder.

I also keep being asked "isn't there anything you can do to stop this until your appointment?" Well, no, not really. Trust me, I've looked into this in great detail ok? You would too if you knew you could get these attacks. All I can do (and already have been doing) is keep the fat in my diet to an absolute minimum as the gallbladder is involved in breaking down fat so the less work it needs to do, the less likely an attack. Note I said LESS likely, nothing will completely stop the attacks until the stones are removed.

So there, hopefully that covers what's going on here. I will keep you all updated but for now I'm just trying to get on as normally as possible until my appointment, keep my fat intake low and look after my baby. Just remember that 99% of the time everything is completely normal and we wouldn't be twittering updates to facebook if there were problems, they are generally very short lived issues. Once that morphine has kicked in I'm perfectly fine, I was sat chatting away to Scott in A&E last night - slurring like a drunk woman though. I'll just be glad when I don't have to keep rushing in there for drugs anymore!!!

Friday 23 October 2009

Reflections on CeeBeebies

Since Fin's birth I have started to become rather well versed in the offerings of CeeBeebies. Here are my thoughts on the shows I've seen so far.

Big & Small
This thing is just wierd, not something to put on when I'm trying to calm the little mite down. Small's squeaky voice does irritate me somewhat but the sarcasm from Big makes up for it.

Big Cook Little Cook
How can anyone possibly be as happy as these two are? Scott despises this one but I kind of like it. Small's hair cut is simply brilliant and the happiness is somewhat infectious. Some of the recipes look really good but others (yesterday's "Marrow Telescope" as an obvious example) are lacking rather.

I would like to think that Fin will gro up smart enough to be able to pick up the moral of a story without it being rammed down his throat like this show feels the need to do. Add in the catchphrase "Train-Tastic!!!" and it's one of the few shows I'll actively switch off if it comes on.

Come Outside
They're still showing this??? I watched this as akid (I'm sure the big shaggy dog had nothing to do with why mum out it on...) I do find it really irritating now though so I try to avoid it.

Get Squiggling
It's called a crayon, NOT a "Squigglestick", irritated me no end.

I Can Cook
Not much to it, but nice and chilled out. It's fun to watch the kids attempting to cook and also to not look revolted when they have to eat the veggies at the end of some episodes!

In the Night Garden
Ahh where would we be without this one? The only show currently series linked on our Sky+ box, it's often nice and effective at sending Fin to sleep. Definately my favourite of the lot.

Let's draw the most random things we can think of. Most kids I know want to know how to draw a house or a cat, not storks and stagecoaches... Bizzare in the extreme.

Mama Mirabelle
Not overly offensive to my brain but something about the voices really irks me.

Mister Maker
I'm guessing this has replaced Smart and made it more upbeat for today's kids? I really like this one as it's creative, I actually want to make some of the things in the show (although not the fish tank made from a plastic box and scouring pads...?!?!) I get the feeling once Fin is old enough to participate I will have a house full of odd pieces of artwork made from household objects and torn paper. I'd be happy if the Shapes bit was removed, that song is really annoying.

Nina & The Neurons
I like that there's a show based on science, although I feel the neurons themselves were pretty superfluous to the show. Really liked it when I saw a proper experiment being done at the start of te episode I was watching, reminded me of the old RI Christmas Lectures!

What the flipping hell is going on here? Just what were the writers smoking when they came up with this nonsense? I watched this as Vikki & Simon had mentioned how non-sensical it is and I had to see if for myself. "Oh no! If all the 4s become 7s catastrophes will occur!" What is with the rubbish supervillain too? "The Puzzler" (in no way a rip off of The Joker - not at all...)

Show Me Show Me
Quick! Somebody hand me a rifle pronto.... BANG! My God this is the most irritating piece of crap I have ever seen. Sadly I think there's a good premise in there somewhere, but do kids really need a TV show to help them play with their toys? This gets switched off as fast as I can find the remote.

Something Special
Feels a little bit worthy, especially the opening sequence, but I like that there's a show teachign sign language. I find it interesting myself too as I actually get to learn something from this, not knowing sign language myself. I could happily see Mr Tumble tumble down a well never to be seen again though, may have something to do with him being very clown like - I don't do clowns.

Space Pirates
Not showing at the moment much to my chagrin, I would turn this on even before I was pregnant. I know Wendy doesn't like it much but I find it hilarious and love the totaly random pieces of music it introduces.

Timmy Time
Not quite as good as Shaun the Sheep but it's still Aardman so it's still very good. The theme tune was in my head for days the first time I saw it!

Scott calls this the druggie show cos of the Pipling's enormous eyes. I like the yoga sequences but how some of the poses are supposed to resemble their names I cannot fathom. What precisely is "big roary thing"? I do find the children annoying in several episodes!